As a virtual research environment, MuGVRE aims to integrate tools and pipelines to enforce a research community, here, the heterogeneous 3D/4D genomics field. To this end, we are offering you the possibility to integrate your application in our platform, if you think it could fit in it. We encourage you to read though this documentation and contact us for any doubt or suggestion you may have.
- MuGVRE is an open access platform, already active, published, and supported by the MuG community. MuGVRE offers computational and storage resources, data handling utilities, user support and authentication services, on top of a complete web interface. For each new tool, the web portal provides customizable forms to set your application’s parameters, and tailored viewers for your specific output files.
- MuGVRE tools and visualizers may complement and add extra value to your application, and interoperate with them is trivial once integrated into the MuGVRE
- MuGVRE provides an admin panel for tool developers to control and manage their tools
- Your application or workflow should belong to the 3D/4D genomics field.
- Your application or workflow should should be open access code
- Your application or workflow should be able to run non-interactively in a linux-based virtual machine (by default Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus).